As a little treat for the long break, I will post something that I have been meaning to show you all for quite some time: bits n pieces of my graduate film.......................which was never completed. Womp womp. As to why it was not completed is as simple as reason as this: not enough time, definitely not enough people. One animator and one layout artist to complete a film a tad over 3 minutes long isn't gonna cut it. However, the work that was complete I am happy to say was quite enjoyable to work on, despite the stressfulness of it all. Without further or due, here are some bits and pieces of {:Truth}, a film 'almost' by Vinicius De Souza and myself, Orlando Feliz.
I was so very tempted to add a splash effect on the puddle, but given the amount of time we had to finish this, I opted out. It would have made this opening shot SSOOOOO much better. :/
Any and all criticism is greatly appreciated about this work is encouraged and appreciated. I will try and have this update el blogo as much as I can, now that I have my own computer!!!! Hooray!!!! Thank you all. :]