Saturday, 1 February 2014

Lots of stuffs, stuff on stuff on stuff @_@"

Soooooooooooooo its been quite some time since I posted anything up on my bloggity blog bloggy space....thing, so I suppose its appropriate that I dump a BUNCH of stuff in here all at once!!!  Yup, sounds about right.  Enjoy!! :D

The following stuffs are in no particular order.  Just a bunch of sketches, along with some studies from reference.  HAVE AT THEE!!!

Next up, some tonal studies from reference, along with some life drawing bits!!  Sorry if A LOT of this stuff is pretty old, but I figured that I should put it up here anyways.  Definitely need to do more life drawing.  Haven't been to a session in a long while. :'(

Thanks for viewing!!!!  Hopefully more to come at more reeeeeeeeeeegular intervals!!! :D <3