Tuesday, 12 April 2011

More faces to fill the empty spaces..............

Quite surprising how devoted I am to this little project in spite of all the stuff that is going on in my "academic/artistic" life right about now.  All in all here are more self portraits for Project365.  Most of these I loathe, but some I like quite a bit, especially the watercolour ones since I am actually progressing with it, and it shows. Enjoy :]

What in the world is this massive failure? -______-

Some spontaneity for ya. :]


Have always, and will always hate rendering hair.  Sucks because I have A LOT of it -_____-

Deliberately unfinished, mainly because I felt like I would get to carried away.

Something other than my face, for once, because I am not just a floating, disembodied head, contrary to popular belief.

One of my favorite ones of this batch.  Apparently, I am very left side biased.  Screw you right side!!!!!

A breakthrough with watercolour for me, FINALLY!!!!!

I like this one, quite a lot actually.  Hooray for good brush pen work, woot!!!

Broke my mirror, whoops.  Seven years of bad luck for me :/

Another watercolour breakthrough!!!  Getting the hand of application.  Next up, mixing and blending ^_^

Rubouts, easier with charcoal.  Not so much with 4B lead, lesson learnt. -___-

Pointers, constructive criticism and the like are all welcomed and much appreciated, thank you. :]